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VS4Life hosted our first Veteran Memorial Ride on Saturday, July 13, 2019. The ride started at Q&B Bar and Grill in Tilden at 1000 with kickstands up by 1100. The trip totaled roughly 160 miles.
First stop will be the new Vietnam Veteran Memorial in Colfax. 17min 14.7mi
Next, we drove to Arcadia for the Soldiers Walk Veterans Memorial Park. 1hr 29min 67.7mi
Before heading to the last stop we went to The Highground in Neillsville. 1hr 12min 57.9mi.
Our final stop for the evening was at the Quad County ATV park for beverages, food, music by Greg Gilbertson and a great time. 20 min 19.8 mi
Veteran's Memorial Ride 2019
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